Breakfast: 1 cup of Jif cereal (Kellogs) with 1% milk
Lunch: leftover pasta from Pizza Hut
Snack: frozen yogurt with strawberries
Breakfast: 1 cup of Jif cereal (Kellogs) with 1% milk
Lunch: leftover pasta from Pizza Hut
Snack: frozen yogurt with strawberries
Breakfast: multigrain flaxseed toast (2 pieces) with banana and peanut butter and coconut
Lunch: nectarine and fibre 1 bar
Dinner: garden salad, garlic bread, small amount of chicken mediterranean pasta
I did not sleep well... stomach didnt feel too good. I need to remind myself not to eat before bed.
I woke up at 9 am this morning because I had physio at 10am.
Breakfast: multigrain cheerios and coffee (350 cals)
Lunch: two pieces of pizza (500 cals)
The temptation for more pizza was strong but instead I had 1/2 can of diet coke while I applied to jobs online and updated my resume.
Dinner: 1 hamburger, 2 small chicken pops, 3 pieces of fresh cut watermelon, 2 cups of greek pasta salad
Activity: furniture moving, playing catch with football
Considering I slept until 12, I am well on my way to a positive day!
Breakfast: Multigrain Cheerios and coffee w. Sugar free creamer (no sweetener)
Snack: Banana
Dinner: steak, baked potato, corn, piece of french bread
Snack: 2 scoops of ice cream
Snack: nectarine and multigrain cheerios
Activity: 1/2 hour walk, an hour and a half at the beach
You might think "what do you mean that you don't believe in setbacks?"
Well, I don't!!! Everything we do is part of a journey... I am changing and becoming a better person every day, some ways more than others, but it is all part of a process...
A year ago I completed REV 3K 15 week program and lost 30 pounds... I was so successful, but now I have gained 40 pounds back... And when I do look back, I know I could have cheated less and done more to propel greater loss...
After 8 months of working 4 jobs and more than 60 hours a week, I was exhausted and did not prioritize my health. Though I attempted LA Fitness, my hours (overnights and shift work) did not allow much down time, and when I did, it was spent sleeping and I lacked energy. My eating and sleep habits were terrible and I would range from 800-2000 calories a day, and 1 to 10 hours of sleep, depending.
Then... WHAM. It hit me like a brick wall. RACHEL WAKE UP. GET YOUR PRIORITIES TOGETHER.
It was not actually a brick wall... it was a 2001 Chevy Silverado, driven by a drunken man in his 50s. I was hit and my car was totalled. I suffered muscle injury and strain, as well as bad whiplash, and a concussion. My left knee, left hip, left shoulder, and right side of my neck have the worst muscle strain. For a few weeks I was limited in mobility, though it got better as I went along. Then I began to get complacent a bit, and did not think about how my eating habits and lack of physical activity would affect me. In the past 5 months I have gained 15 pounds.
My current weight is 237.13 as of August 3rd and my goal weight is 150. I need to lose between 75-100 pounds, respectively, which I plan to do by next spring. I hope to lose 40 pounds by Christmas and be in the 100's or "One-derland" again.
I am going to start blogging daily food intake, exercise, thought patterns, etc. This was so helpful before and I know it can be again.
Tonight I had my LAST ICE CAP until I am done losing weight. It was a small. I also had a 6 inch chicken breast sub with veggies on italian bread. I have not eaten since then, at 9pm after driving two days home from Florida in a minivan with 6 other people.
So wish me luck on my journey...
August goal: By August 31st, be able to run 2K without stopping, and lose 20 pounds.