Thursday, October 31, 2013

Week 2: Day 4 NIGHT


First off: Thanks to all of you who have inspired and encouraged me thus far. 

I love when I'm able to overcome my feelings of "ugh I don't want to" and "maybe not tonight" and just say NO RACHEL YOU ARE GOING TO THE GYM NO EXCUSES. And so I went :)

Tonight's Body Pump was awesome! The reps and workouts are getting easier and I was able to go harder and go longer. Body pump focuses on legs, arms, abs, shoulders, chest, glutes, and pretty much EVERYTHING else it feels like, haha.

I am going to make an appointment for a massage next week, and also probably a chiropractor because my shoulder and hip pop (lol not hip hop) and it is painful sometimes. I don't think this is healthy haha and it is sort of interfering with how much I want to PUSH MYSELF!!!

But on a more positive note... Tonight I burned another 300 in cardio (elliptical, bike, rowing, and tread) in addition to Body Pump... I feel good! I knew that I would. It actually feels amazing to look back and go 'wow that small amount of time was such a large investment in my health!'

I don't have Halloween plans, but I'm okay with that. I went to No Frills and got a few basic essentials.

I just had a wrap (spinach, chicken slices x4, green pepper, red onion, avocado, hot sauce, berry dressing) and 2 eggs (since I missed out this morning). I also had 2 cookies (Chips Ahoy) as a reward and because it's Halloween, for pete's sake!

Now to shower, then play some music and then watch a movie and slowly simmer down into bedtime hours.

Had some froyo again before bed, with a banana and some almonds.

Xo love y'all!

Rachel :)

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