Sunday, October 27, 2013

Day 7. The Lowdown Week 1 Throwdown.


I am on my way to Chatham now for the day :) Anticipating a few fun hours, though it is quite cold!!!

Brekky 9am: This morning for breakfast I was running a bit late so I just made a smoothie (2 banana, 6 strawberries, and a chunk of pineapple) and now have my pumpkin spice tea. I also had 2 little timbits from tim horton's from the 6 I bought franklin... Yeah I shouldn't have.

Lunchtimes 12pm: I had a whole wheat, toasted, lettuce and bacon and chicken sandwich from Tim Horton's.

1:15-1:40pm: Walk with Frank and Carys

Schnack 3pm: Had a chocolate pudding and some alphagetti pasta noodle nastiness for lunch, with a handful of almonds too and pumpkin spice tea. Regrets: the noodles. I can never regret a 70 calorie pudding, in all it's deliciousness with slow meaningful bites.

5:30pm DinDinz: For supper, tortellini with pasta sauce. 

6pm: On my way home, enjoying the sunset, and having a large Tim Horton's coffee. 

Arrival at home: 8:30pm 

Confession of the Day: Soooooo last night I actually did NOT end up working out in the basement, because my brother needed help with an assignment, and I ended up driving him and his friends to Timmy's and chilling. 

My issue: I currently have a pretty bad headache. I am hoping it goes away. My tum tum feels a little queasy as well, THEREFORE TONIGHT I WILL BIKE FOR THE ENTIRETY OF THE MOVIE. I will get my ab workout in via laughter because lezbeehonest, everyone laughs at Anchorman. I can't wait for the second one!!!

Gunna chuggalug some water like it's my life source (oh wait, it is) and get my burn on. Then I will be showering and heading to bed. 

ADDITION: I ended up only biking 40 minutes because my headache was really bad. As the blood started pumping more it was really aggravating me. I biked at a mild-moderate pace for the whole time. I also did a few pushups for good measure. I am showered and feel a bit better. Going to relax for 15-20 more minutes, and then head to bed.

I anticipate my feeling better in the morning, and I'll be up and at Body Pump for 9:30, pumpin' like it's hotttt when really it will most likely be cold. I will also do 10-15 minutes of additional cardio before going home. I should be back by 11, and have class at 2.

SOMETHING TO CHECK OUT: Pure Coconut Oil... It is 100% pure and 100% amazing... For skin, hair, teeth, removing makeup, and even cooking! Recommend you check it out. It smells amazing. Like a tropical salon all day erry day.


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