Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Week 3: Day 3

Great day today! So productive!

As you are aware, I am a procrastinator. 

Well, I woke up early this morning to study, around 6:30am. I had a smoothie, 2 eggs, and coffee for breakfast, and even went to SCHOOL to study around 10:30, until my exam at 2pm-4pm.

For lunch I had an apple and during the exam had some sunflower seeds/almonds/multigrain cheerios (dry).

The exam went great. I had a lot of mental clarity, and low anxiety. I definitely feel that exercise is decreasing my anxiety and increasing my health, both mentally and physically! 

For dinner I had a footlong turkey sub on honey-oat bread. For snack I had an apple and a cookie. 

I babysat from 5:30-8:30. Franklin is the best child I have ever babysat!!! 

I just went to the gym from 9:30-11:30pm, and got an amazing burn in tonight! I burned 800+ calories for cardio alone, and also did some free-weights, machine-weights, and some ab exercises with a medicine ball.

Feeling awesome tonight! I came home and had a bowl of multigrain cheerios (1/2 cup with almond milk) as well as 3 eggs (gotta keep up that protein) and some froyo (because I had really limited sugar today and wanted to treat myself).

Stay tuned ;)

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