Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Week 4: Day 2


Loving the white and oh so Christmasy look of outside today. Now to actually GO outside = different story.

But hmm, anyways!

So as most of you probably saw, I didn't make it to the gym yesterday. It was my first day on shakes, and I was feeling pretty good, but still sore from my intense Sunday workout. Therefore, I took Monday off to celebrate my accomplishments. Seems sort of counter intuitive, but hey! I don't kurrr.

I'm loving the shakes! Not the epileptic kind, or the stroke kind, or the 'im a crazy person' kind... The delicious BODY BY VI kind! They keep me full, and ready to face my day.

For breakfast today: 1 bowl multigrain cheerios, 1 shake (2 scoops powder, 1 banana, 4 strawberries, 1 scoop peanut butter, 6 almonds, 1/2 cup almond milk, 1 cup water, 2 icecubes, 1 packet chocolate flavour mix = deliciousness). =450

I have class 12-3 and then bible study until 4pm, so I will be driving to/from class. I had an apple while at school.

Following this grand excursion, I shall come home.

I am home now. I had 2 cookies, and a shake: banana, raspberries, almonds, almond milk, water, powder.

I am at the gym 7-8:30 tonight. Here is my approximate calorie burn:
  • Elliptical: 350
  • Bike: 100
  • Rowing: 50
  • Bicep curls, Tricep lifts, and Abs: 50 
  • Treadmill: 130
= 680-700 calories tonight.

For dinner, I had 2 wraps (lettuce, chicken, green pepper, avocado, hummus, hotsauce)

I also had some multigrain cheerios, and a shake (banana, 4 strawberries, 5 almonds, peanut butter, water, and 1 scoop powder).
I estimate my calorie intake to be:  1500 for the day (burned off 700 at the gym tonight) making it 800 total.


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