Friday, November 15, 2013

Week 4: Day 5 *CHEAT DAY*

Well hello!!! Can't believe week 4 is almost over!!! Wow! Officially one month soon.


Well I went to bed at 3am and woke up at 9:30am, and had some yummy brekky!

Breakfast: 1 egg. 1 cup multigrain cheerios. 1 shake. = 400 cals

I then drove to my grandma's in Nairn for a few hours, and hung out with my grandparents and my mom, and sisters.

Druppies are my weakness...So for a snack, I had 4 drupjes = 80 cals)

For lunch before I left, I had 1 bowl of homemade delicious taco soup and 1 apple = 250 calories

After my counselling class, my friends and I went for a drink and I had a pint of Alexander Keiths and ONE SINGLE SWEET POTATO FRY. That's how dedicated I am to accuracy of calories. =288 calories

I then came to my class and had 1 piece of pizza that was offered by the professor =300 calories

When I go home, I will have a wrap and a shake with 2 cookies= 550 calories

1/2 hot chocolate and1/2 coffee from timmies and some chicken noodle soup today.

I also had a triple chocolate klondike drumstick, and 8 pieces of Gino's Pizza. 


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